Homesteading the Internet
So today I bought a domain name and a web hosting site. Does that mean I'll stop posting here? I don't think so. We'll have to see. I may start yet another blog just for fun. I think I'm becoming a little obsessive, don't you? Oh well, back to the story about the domain name and web site.
My darling wife has decided to open a web store. Lucky for her, she's married to a web technology geek. I've been wanting to buy a domain name and set up a little homestead on the web for some time now. Tonight, I fulfilled that ambition. I shopped around and finally decided to buy a domain from I'm here to report that so far it has been a painless operation. I say so far because it hasn't been long enough for my domain name to propagate through the DNS system yet. I'll let you know how it works out tomorrow.
I bought my web hosting from I can't say I shopped for this one. My good friend
Bob "Revbob" Crispen recommended them to me. Again, so far, so good. I'll let you know for sure tomorrow. So far, I'm impressed.
Now, I've got to get off my ass and get busy implementing her store. I took a quick look around and so far, the best free ecommerce software that I've found is
Zen Cart. I'll have to check it out further. I've got a lot to get back to you on but hang in there with me. It'll be an adventure.
The fun link today is
Bob Dylan's Space Monkey. Enjoy.
Posted by freemars
at 10:36 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 14 January 2004 10:38 PM CST